Thursday, May 22, 2014

DIY Teacher Appreciation Gifts

As the school year winds down, let’s give a shout-out to all those dedicated teachers who’ve spent 9 months focused on your child’s papers, projects and maybe even introducing them to their new favorite book.

In celebration of the end of the school year, here are some simple, thoughtful thank you gifts that you can create with your child!

“My teacher is AW-esome” To make this simple gift, grab a pack of A&W Root Beer and a sweet treat. (Added bonus if you know your recipients’ favorite candy) Complete the gift with a handmade tag or note!

“Thank You for helping ______ grow!” Nothing says spring like a pot of flowers or plants! Once you pick out the perfect bloom, simply take a ruler and make a handmade thank you card, like the example below.

Dress Up a Card with a Homemade Touch There are plenty of free, printable cards to use as the base for this craft; your child can write on the backside expressing gratitude for everything that their teacher has done throughout the year!

“Piecing you together” Does your child’s teacher have a sweet tooth? This simple craft calls for a mason jar, a bag of Reese’s Pieces, ribbon, and a hand crafted sign.

“It’s so refreshing to have a teacher like you!” Here at Meadow Farms, we definitely value eco-friendly ideas like this one: find a reusable drinking glass, your favorite tea flavor or Crystal Light, and a homemade sign. A great gift to start a relaxing summer vacation!

This spring, let’s take a pause to remember something; teachers are some of the most important people in our young lives. They can be like second-parents - people who provide knowledge and guidance to last a lifetime. That’s why we encourage creating your own handmade note of thanks to compliment your gift!

Have fun creating this craft with your child - and remember how much you valued your teachers when growing up! For more craft ideas and free pintables follow us on Pinterest and check out our “Teacher Appreciation” board.